20th March 2014
Web copywriting is a totally different skill to any other medium. If content is where it is at (which it is) then financial copywriters need to get more strategic and SEO savvy. Content generation is viewed increasingly by financial marketers as strategic – driving the process – not merely tactical.
Today, there are several challenges that a web-centric copywriter has to meet head on:
Strategic positioning – reflecting the core brand essence
Navigational and site map planning
Keyword/Keyphrase density
Contextual Links (cross-referencing linked pages throughout the site)
Main propositions above the fold
Emphasis on data capture (guides, articles, white papers as fulfilment)
Irresistible calls to action
Compelling headlines
Blocked paragraphs
Short sentences
Conversational style
Briefing notes on Metatags and Image Tags
Whilst web based copywriting is always about being found interesting, its important to remember that you first have to be found.